Monday, December 13, 2010

@Loster21's Tweets O' the Day from February 27, 2010

First published 2/28/10 on LOSTblog

My thoughts and prayers to all who have been affected by the earthquake in Chile and the resulting tsunami.  Though for many it ended up being a “dodged bullet,” hundreds were killed and many more were injured or lost homes.  It is to be taken with a sigh of relief that, in Hawaii, it ended up being a non-event.  Until that was certain, however, we were all very concerned about what might happen to our beloved LOST cast and crew who were there.

Having so stated, this is an interesting read.  Damon and Carlton were understandably concerned about their cast and crew’s welfare, @aohora was tweeting about what was actually going on in Hawaii, and @gjacksbeard’s had another perspective on the situation.  FYI, @aohora is a rabid LOSTie and a contributor to LOSTblog who lives in Hawaii, and of course @gjacksbeard is the Twitter account for Jorge Garcia and Beth:
Amy Monroe aohora – Network/LOST production don’t NEED an evacuation plan! Grass Skirt Prod isn’t in the zone and they can just cancel shooting everywhere else.
GeronimoJack'sBeard gjacksbeard – Just woke up to tsunami sirens. Heading to higher ground like Stevie Wonder.
Carlton Cuse CarltonCuse – To ALL on the LOST crew — responding to the Tsunami warning — safe refuge is available at the studio.
Carlton Cuse
Amy Monroe aohora@CarltonCuse Repeat: YES: SWELL/very high tide. NO: TIDAL WAVES.
Damon Lindelof DamonLindelof – Praying for Chile and all the islands of Hawaii. Please send our cast and crew all your positive energy.
Amy Monroe aohoraSee, this is why I HATE mass media news in the 21 C. My GRANDMA is in a PANIC thinkin’ I’m gonna be swept away by a tidal wave! GEEZ!
Amy Monroe aohoraAnd honestly, I’ll take a “psuedo-tsunami” over the snow covering the rest of the U.S. ANY DAY!
Amy Monroe aohora – … The problem is keeping people off the roads and getting people in evac zones to actually evac. Staying off the roads-IMPORTANT!
Amy Monroe aohora – … You gotta remember, civil panic does not exist here. Unless someone big says, Please get moving, they won’t bother moving.
GeronimoJack'sBeard gjacksbeard – Headed up the hill to Ken and Nancy’s house. Made breakfast. Waiting for the waves. Hoping our house doesn’t get hit too badly.
GeronimoJack'sBeard gjacksbeard – Tsunami salami. Still nothing happening here. Everyone’s napping now.
Carlton Cuse CarltonCuse – Report from Hawaii: All of our cast is safe and accounted for. 30 or so crew at the studio. So far no wall of water. Just tidal action.
GeronimoJack'sBeard gjacksbeard – Tsunami Salami canceled
Carlton Cuse CarltonCuse – All clear. Tsunami warning lifted. All good.
Amy Monroe aohoraFinal Tsunami measurement on O’ahu? Tide Up 24 inches. All better now!
Thanks to all for your reporting!  Twitter is such a great way to find out what’s happening from people who are there.

Speaking of which, Paley fest continued yesterday and last night was the LOST panel.  Many members of the LOST cast and crew were on hand to answer press questions, including Damon and Carlton, Michael Emerson and Terry O’Quinn.  DON’T WORRY, NO SPOILERS HERE although I understand there were spoilers during the event.  But afterwards, Damon tweeted this:
Damon Lindelof DamonLindelofPaley tonight. LOST fans, I am humbled. We are not worthy of your awesomeness. The show will forever be just as much yours as it is ours.

LOST IS the awesomeness, sir, thank YOU.

Finishing up today with a fun theory:
Smokin' Muffins SmokinMuffins#Lost Theory: Claire’s creepy baby is the remains and skull of Phil! Sure, this doesn’t make sense, but it makes you feel good inside, huh?
djuna rykiel mulderism – @SmokinMuffins *LMFAO* That is basically the best theory in the history of EVER. #lost in reply to SmokinMuffins
Smokin' Muffins SmokinMuffins@mulderism Thank you. Gratifying retribution trumps logical feasibility any day. in reply to mulderism

And there you have it.  Some reporting, some awesomeness, and some gratifying retribution.  Thanks as always to all who tweet about #LOST!  Looking forwards to seeing your next tweets!

CarltonCuse – Waves to reach Hawaii just after 11 AM.

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