Monday, December 13, 2010

Whitechapel II Episode 3 Review

Favorite line of the episode: “Nice shoes.”

This episode lacked the edginess and extreme creepiness of the first episode, and lacked the terror of the second.  In fact in the end it was more police procedural than anything else, but there were enough twists to keep me engaged and to give a recommendation to this episode and to the entire 3-part series.  Creepiness this time was localised to specific characters: Cassanove, the Krays, the commander, and the horrifying mum.  Still, there were a lot of ups and downs to this concluding episode.

What worked: Chandler spotting Cassanove’s shoes.  That tied in so beautifully with the first episode.  What didn’t work (though it was effectively shocking): Cassanove’s suicide.  He gave absolutely no indication that his time was at an end. 

What worked: the fact that the Kray “boy” wasn’t.  What didn’t: How Chandler was able to make the leap from that bit of info to the theory that the Krays weren’t Krays.

What worked: Tying Dukes to the Krays through being mercenaries and then in the boxing ring.  What didn’t work: Boxing between Chandler and a Kray.  Seriously?  Yes,  a lovely way to get DNA, but again, seriously?

What worked: The idea of a kingmaker, whether it was Dukes or the Commander, or even Chandler.  What didn’t work: The repeated use of the word “kingmaker.” 

What worked: the twins-iness of the twins – that yowling in the jail cell was really chilling.  What didn’t work: how they were killed.  Chandler knew the assassin, and must shortly figure out who he was working for; why so public?  Unless they plan on developing that point in the next (if there is one) series…

Clearly the ending was a setup for continuing the series.  Will Chandler figure out that his mentor is evil?  Will he still get interesting cases?  I'd like to see what direction the series takes in the future, and I hope we're given the opportunity to find out.

First published on Simply Television on 10/25/10

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