Monday, December 13, 2010

@Loster21's Tweets O' the Day Hawaii Premiere 2010 Edition

First published 1/30/10 on LOSTblog

Smokin' Muffins SmokinMuffinsFellow #Lost fans drooling jealously at the beachgoers, remember your cries of ‘No! Why?! I salivate’ are an anagram for ‘Lost Hawaii envy’.

Yes, we were all jealous of our friends in Hawaii today! Here’s a review of the day’s events as seen  through the tweets of the Lost fans who were there!  This edition of TOTD now picks up where I left off with the Overnight Edition, tweeps getting ready or already on the beach this morning, January 30, 2010, and goes straight through to “It’s Starting!”:
Karen Mauro KarensLostNotesIt’s like LOSTSTOCK here!! Lost fans and wet rainy ground! Friggin LOSTASTIC! There’s NO fan like a LOST fan!
Damon Lindelof DamonLindelofOh MIGHTY ISLAND GODS! Hear my humble plea! Don’t rain. Please don’t rain.
Jo Garfein jopinionatedheading out on a press visit to the #Lost set soon w/my friends @EricIGN & @NatalieAbrams (FYI, will not post ANY spoilers whatsoever).
Ryan Ozawa hawaii – Staking out sand at the “Sunset on the Beach” premiere of #LOST. #lostpremiere
Erika Olson erikaolson@DamonLindelof I hope the Island Gods start listening to your pleas. Sprinkling here on the beach right now…
Blythe Ann Johnson Roobadoo87Aloha twitter. I never want to leave this island!
Josh Gordon joshRgordonI just wore my Dharma Jumpsuit around the beach. I felt like the messiah.
Mary Jane Carpenter Lottery_TicketGood morning from the beach at Oahu. I think something special is about to happen
Carlton Cuse CarltonCuseOvercast in Honolulu. Rain looming. They are expecting up to 15,000 people for the screening on the beach tonight.
Blythe Ann Johnson Roobadoo87 stuff set up by @hawaii in our hotel lobby!!
MariaElena Fernandez writerchicaIt doesn’t appear that it’s going to rain on our parade. Good job, Locke, Richard, Jacob, whoever stopped the sky’s tears. #lost
Erika Olson erikaolson – The red carpet has been rolled out!
John Schemitsch JSchemThey’re putting up the screen! Can’t wait. Started blasting rap music @lostpremiere #sotb
Ryan Ozawa hawaii – Everything that rises must converge. Or, the screen also rises. #lostlocations
Erika Olson erikaolson – Screen is up, this is a shot of the press/VIP seating area (assuming cast, too)
Sawyer & Kate SawyerandKate – And the red carpet is ready!
Lucia Malla luciamalla – Team Jack. #lostpremiere
Ryan Ozawa hawaii – The crowd grows at “Sunset on the Beach” premiere of “LOST.” #lostpremiere
Ob FuSc8 Ob_FuSc8We brought you to HI with is in spirit! RT @ollymoss: @BonnieJGreen
Carlton Cuse CarltonCuseAre there lots of weddings in Waikiki? I’ve seen 8 brides today, a personal record.
Jo Garfein jopinionatedchecking in at red carpet for #Lost premiere
Erika Olson erikaolson – Check out this tent near the front of #LostPremiere public viewing area…
Blythe Ann Johnson Roobadoo87@lylyford haha I’m right next to them
Lucia Malla luciamallaIt’s not about watching the episode. It’s about watching in such a huge group of losties! Fun! #lostpremiere
John Schemitsch JSchemAbc started handing out sheets about lost preferences, which you can fill out to get a free shirt at the end of the ep. @lostpremiere #sotb
Josh Gordon joshRgordon – so close to the carpet! @DamonLindelof – look for me!!!!!
Erika Olson erikaolson – Freshened up, heading down, last view from above!
Russell C rcastag#lostpremiere dropping my wife and sis-in-law at beach, Sawyer, don’t take my wife unless u trade me juliet
Jo Garfein jopinionatedready on the #Lost red carpet. spoiler free all the way!
Stephen PHOTOluluTVThe best spot on the beach. #lostpremiere
John Schemitsch JSchemAbc started handing out sheets about lost preferences, which you can fill out to get a free shirt at the end of the ep. @lostpremiere #sotb
John Schemitsch JSchemKen leung arrived @lostpremiere #sotb
John Schemitsch JSchemMichael emmerson @lostpremiere #sotb
John Schemitsch JSchemDaniel day Kim @lostpremiere #sotb
John Schemitsch JSchem@lostpremiere #sotb
John Schemitsch JSchem@lostpremiere #sotb
Ob FuSc8 Ob_FuSc8 – LOST trivia on the beach
Erika Olson erikaolsonAnyone watching a live stream is seeing a heck of a lot more than I am right about now
Damon Lindelof DamonLindelofOn the way to the beach. Wow. Here we go.
John Schemitsch JSchem@lostpremiere #sotb
John Schemitsch JSchem@lostpremiere #sotb
Honolulu Advertiser HonAdvTGIF – Agelessm mysterious ‘Richard’ is here. #lost #lostinhawaii
John Schemitsch JSchem@lostpremiere #sotb
John Schemitsch JSchem@lostpremiere #sotb
Jo Garfein jopinionatedjust interviewed Emerson & his wife on #Lost red carpet
Jo Garfein jopinionated@jayandjack interviewing DDK for #Lost
Jo Garfein jopinionatedawaiting Jorge, Henry Cusick, Terry OQuinn next for #Lost
Honolulu Advertiser HonAdvTGIF – ‘Richard’ mixes it up with #Lost fans. #lostinhawaii
Stephen PHOTOluluTVSawyer. #lostpremiere
Jo Garfein jopinionatedsaid hi to Jorge but no time for interview :)
Natalie Abrams NatalieAbramsJosh Holloway and Matthew Fox!!!!!
John Schemitsch JSchemI gave John Locke a high five ! #sotb @lostpremiere
Christy Roach christyintxJust announced @#lostpremiere #lost all 6 seasons on BluRay Aug 24 with 30 hours xtra footage from all 6 seasons and xtra Lost University.
Ryan Booth ryanbooththis is the background for the premier of LOST: (not bad!) red carpet on the beach…
Jo Garfein jopinionatedinterviewed #Lost: Josh & Evie, Yunjin
Stephen PHOTOluluTVIts crazy. #lostpremiere
Ob FuSc8 Ob_FuSc8Darlton are on stage!
John Schemitsch JSchemI can’t believe I am here. Maybe over 10,000 people here. Oh, it’s officially sunset also. #sotb @lostpremiere
Adam Horowitz AdamHorowitzLAon the beach!
Jo Garfein jopinionated#lost premiere started. no more tweets from me during. spoiler-free!
Greg Yaitanes GregYaitanes@DamonLindelof break a leg!
Mark Goldman mjgoldman@AdamHorowitzLA: How did everyone react when they found out all of S6 is narrated by a polar bear? Excited? (This was a direct msg, right?)

LOL! I just love that guy.  Okay, the last two were from L.A., the former from a director of House and the latter from one of our favorite LOST editors to one of our LOST favorite writers.

And there you have it.  For those of us back home, there’s this:
LOST ADDICTS BLOG LOSTAddictsBlogIs it weird that I got caught up in the moment and applauded the cast of #LOST via streaming video? Naaaa #lostpremiere

Nah, I agree.  More great Lost Tweets O’ the Day several hours from now, as always, spoiler free.  Aloha!

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