Monday, December 13, 2010

@Loster21's Tweets O' the Day #ThanksToLost Special Edition

[First published 5/23/10 on LOSTblog  ]
Thanks so much to Jami Losurdo – jami674 on Twitter – for starting the #ThanksToLost hashtag on Twitter, and getting the word out to the blogs and sites so that we could all help get the word out to the Twitterverse!  For those who don’t know, using a “hashtag” (a # sign in front of a word or words with no spaces in between) makes it easy to follow a Twitter stream of everyone who uses that hashtag.  It was SO FANTASTIC to read all of those tweets over the past few days!  #ThanksToLost Day was meant to be only Friday, but it was too great an idea to keep to just one day.  The tweets I’ve included below are some of my favorites from Friday and Saturday, including a few from stars of the LOST blogging universe, and even Kris from the Official Podcasts (since he’s with LOST production, his tweet is in red). Keep tweeting #ThanksToLost tweets and I’ll include them in upcoming Tweets O’ the Day posts. Enjoy!
 @jami674#ThankstoLost for making Thank You to Lost Day so successful around the world! Let’s keep tweeting all w/e. 6:12 PM May 21st
 @jami674#ThankstoLost trending in Argentina. 8:51 AM May 22nd
Klippart Klippart#FF @CarltonCuse @DamonLindelof Lost writers.Thanks for all those years of the great entertainment! Can hardly wait to see the finale! #Lost
Beth Madonna mommymadonna#Thankstolost I got geeky excited about @DamonLindelof @ replying to me on May 18, 2009 before he was verified. I just went and looked it up
Aaron Johnson AtodaJ#ThankstoLOST I double take when I walk by a mirror
Kelly Brown kellyannbrown#thankstolost my friend Mandy has an Emmy for casting the series
Brodeep brodeep#ThankstoLost I will always want to make new friends with fellow #LOST ies no matter where or when :-D
Jason Kodani YoshioKun13 – Lastly, #ThankstoLOST for Michael Giacchino and his epic music score! It alone would make #LOST worth watching, it’s that good.
Nate Susag Sathan#ThanksToLost For giving new meaning to the song Wonderwall and the episode title Enter 77. Some of the Coolest foreshadowing of all time.
Crystal pinkpodster#thankstolost I’ve made @Loster21 list twice and had my comment read on podcast by @mrshawaii and @hawaii.
Beata Zych Jadvigga#ThanksToLost six years and I don’t regret any single moment I spent watching it
Brodeep brodeep#ThankstoLost I will never worry about looking for a Halloween costume ever again. This year, jackbeard. Next year, Dharma Desmond!
Meredith D Merileedee#ThankstoLost I will follow the careers of Henry Ian Cusick, Jorge Garcia, Nestor Carbonell and Josh Holloway
Andrew Asdell ajasdell#thankstolost I learned that setting an end date 3 years in advance is always a good thing. Except in relationships…
FLIMgeeks flimgeeks#ThanksToLost I know the most valuable educational tool that has ever existed is the orientation film. #Lost
Julian Ponce El_Adversario#ThankstoLost we are not the only people on this island and we all know it!
Chase Dunnette dmaul53854 @EWDocJensen You know it’s bad when you cry when read about the 20 #Lost scenes that made you cry. #Thankstolost for making it cool to cry
Alirio alirio#ThankstoLost I’ve been able to go places and meet people in ways I had always stopped myself from doing before.
Hefty Hefty517#ThanksToLost for introducing me to @lost_boss who entertains me every day with his Lost tweets.
Cindy C cinjudes#ThanksToLost I learned I didn’t have to be immerse myself in a fandom to be an immersed fan.
Alex Lancaster alex5348#Thankstolost my dreams have become moments within my sideways life
Sharon Core sharcor #ThanksToLost I enjoy meeting people named Charlie just so I can say “You’re gonna die” in my best Scottish accent. #LOST
Alex Lancaster alex5348#thankstolost, i feel like a more intelligent human being; I can reference quantum physics, philosophy, religion, psychology, and egyptology
Cindy C cinjudes #ThanksToLost I finally got over my lifelong issues with my freckles
TMGLost TMGLost#thankstolost I’m probably on mp3 player number 10 – maybe more. God knows how many pairs of earbuds…
Tina lostdogs20 #ThankstoLost I know not to wear the color red or carry logs.
Melissa Sullivan melgotserved#ThanksToLOST I now think my birthday is part of an elaborate number conspiracy theory or that I may be a chosen candidate (8/15)
Cindy C cinjudes#ThanksToLost I’ll never be able to see the #’s 4,8,15,16,23,42 or 108 in any sequence again without geeking out
Alyssa Hollingsworth midenianscholar#thankstolost My family chased down a Samoan man in HI. Thought he was Hurley from behind. Had cameras ready when he turned around. Oops.
Jennifer P pennyinthesun#ThanksToLost my life will never be the same
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST I’m willing to admit that it’s never been easy. But it has been satisfying
Hefty Hefty517 – Best ThanksToLost all day RT @LOST_BOSS #ThanksToLOST I’m willing to admit that it’s never been easy. But it has been satisfying
Jeff Carter jeffc1018#ThankstoLOST my brain spins at night
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST I’ve let go of asking too many questions, and have trusted in incomplete answers.
W. Axel Foley LostMythos#ThanksToLost for teaching us all that believing in yourself is the most important thing
Karen Mauro KarensLostNotes #Thankstolost Someone’s gonna need to find me another button to push!
Bad Mombot badm0mbot#ThanksToLost My TV programming standards are unfairly high.
Crystal pinkpodster #ThankstoLost I’m gonna have to watch that again. #lost
Heidi Scholz SurvivorGirl45#ThanksToLost the nurses in chemotherapy and I had something in common almost immediately.
Sarah Dolen Sarah_Bethe#ThankstoLost I studied time travel, physics, hydrogen bombs, and philosophy all before the age of 18.
Jed Findlay jedfindlay #ThankstoLost my waistline has expanded. Not cool #LOST… not cool.
Brodeep brodeep#thankstolost for making air travel feel fun again!
alice s. lin comixguru#ThanksToLost my girlfriend rewatched the 3 original Star Wars films.
Bruna Alpert brunablack#ThankstoLost whenever I get a nosebleed I start to worry about possible temporal displacement.
TheODI TheODI – @CarltonCuse @DamonLindelof Thanks for your hard work and a great show. Have an awesome weekend! #ThankstoLOST
Kristopher White heykristopher#ThankstoLost for a wonderful ride and great TV. And yeah, I’m gonna get teary watching the finale.
Tiffany Benedict TiffBenedict#ThankstoLost I’ve spent hrs reading @loster21‘s Tweets O’ the Day compulsively along with @jdurbin‘s NeverSeenLost & @ewdocjensen‘s recaps
maram maram#ThankstoLost I love physics more
lkcook lkcook#ThankstoLost Ive met some amazing people I never would have met
Jon Lachonis DocArzt#ThankstoLost I had something to do for the last six seasons.
Shanti agmcgrew#ThankstoLOST I have a new appreciation for fine score.
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST and also to @batchout there is a geektastic #LOST Periodic Table
Angie Stueve sweetbippy#ThankstoLOST @LOST_BOSS wears a #Hurley wig and #Dharma coverall’s around the house.
Angie Stueve sweetbippy #ThankstoLOST everywhere I turn there is #LOST stuff. At least Kate’s pic isn’t staring at me on @LOST_BOSS ‘s side of the bed anymore. #yay
David Swinney davidonlost #ThanksToLOST we have been treated to the comedy stylings of Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, and Kris White on the Official #LOST Podcast.
Karen Mauro KarensLostNotes#ThankstoLOST for giving me a purpose for the past 6 seasons, for all my LOST friends and for hope in a magic box.
Steven Baker Baker1000#ThanksToLost I know what it is to enjoy a TV show without spoilers…well, when people don’t spoil me.
Ms. Wendy BunniesLRNow#ThankstoLOST I think the Red Sox were finally able to win the Series because it made for a cool ending to a #LOST episode.
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist#ThanksToLost I am no longer afraid of time travel, for lost is my constant.
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist#ThanksToLost I can die happy knowing that I have experienced the best story ever written, and shared it with so many friends.
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist#ThanksToLost I will have Losties friends wherever I go, and will wear Lost shirts to identify myself
Chad Snyder OCNC815#ThanksToLOST All television shows will now have a higher standard by which they are judged.
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST my reading list has become quite bigger… #ThanksToLOST for ending, so I can start reading again. ;)
Bruna Alpert brunablack#ThankstoLost When I hear the names Hume, Rousseau, Locke and Bentham my first images are of the characters, not the philosophers.
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist#ThanksToLost I will pack things I may need on the island whenever I fly.
Ryan Ozawa hawaii – We’ve made so many great friends through “LOST,” and @mrshawaii and I are closer than ever. Oh, and the story’s good, too. #ThanksToLOST
Jamie YaGottaBKiddnMe #ThanksToLost I’ve had long-running mysteries to unravel and interesting, smart people to bounce theories around with.
Chad Snyder OCNC815#ThanksToLOST I now have a diploma that actually means something to me. =)
TMGLost TMGLost#ThankstoLost I’m gonna get me a secreter room.
Bruna Alpert brunablack#ThankstoLost I’m freaking depressed right now … and not complaining.
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist#ThanksToLost I would never have met anyone on Twitter, but now I have the pleasure of conversing will You All Everybody!
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist #ThanksToLost for making me talk about nothing but lost all the time and making my friends think I’m crazy and my family concerned.
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist#ThanksToLost I will forever occasionally refer to people as “brotha”
Just Me ALIASgirl23 #ThankstoLOST the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 108, and 316 have a whole new meaning and signifcance
Laura Rainsford Gobosox54#ThankstoLost for ending on my husband’s birthday; now I will never forget the date & I will always have two reasons to commemorate the day.
Rob Gobell DharmaScientist#ThanksToLost I will never look at polar bears the same way again.
i_dig_L☺ST LizPrietti#ThanksToLOST I can say, I enjoy watching tv more, but nothin will ever be better then you.
Ms. Wendy BunniesLRNow#ThankstoLost I don’t need to see peanut butter to eat it.
Julie Scott neworleansgurl#ThankstoLost for reinventing how TV shows should be written
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST I’m taking Monday as a vacation day/day of mourning/day of celebration #wake #LOST
Just Me ALIASgirl23#ThankstoLOST I have had such wonderful and enlightening conversations with people across the globe!
Suhaiymah suhaiymah – &made great friends :D RT @ALIASgirl23: #ThankstoLOST I have had such wonderful and enlightening conversations with people across the globe!
TMGLost TMGLost#ThankstoLost “I Shall Not Walk Alone” Ben Harper, and The Blind Boys of Alabama ♫
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST I will start saying tikkatikkia instead of grrrrr @JOvsZ @Loster21
Conor Jones SFJ3 #ThanksToLost i’ll never get a girlfriend again
Lostpedia lostpedia#thankstolost for bagels, challahs, rattlesnakes in mailboxes, frozen donkey wheels, & forks in outlets. #lost
Candace Armstrong TarHeelLostie#ThanksToLost I have the awesomest #Lost Twitter-Fam I wouldn’t have found otherwise! And I’ve embraced my inner-nerd.
C Dubbs ta11erghostwalt#ThanksToLost for the fans who understand what it’s all about – the love, the fandom, the show, the experience
Bella Bellini bellabellini#thankstolost yoga is less boring because I can pretend I’m in the Dharma Initiative when the instructor says Namaste.
Kyla justkyla#ThanksToLOST I know this amazing story set on the greenest island, filled with people and icons, science and faith, philosophy and love.
Sandy ProofingSandy#thankstolost I always say the name “Charlie” with an Australian accent. #LOST
travis caviezel XgetthegloryXWearing my “Not Pennys Boat” shirt and watching the #LOST pilot episode. Don’t want it to end but can’t wait for the finale.
matt hardeman capnnarcolepsy#thankstoLOST i yell “BAD ROBOT!” at the end of things.
Jamie YaGottaBKiddnMe#ThanksToLost I did a pretty good impression of a rabid human being when my TV receiver fried itself 2hrs before season 6′s premiere episode
Henry Gale Papa_C_Los#thankstolost I now have no “real” friends. They all exist in an alternate universe. #flashsideways
…called “Twitter”…
Amber Pruitt lostiegirl78#THANKSTOLOST I watched season 1 for Boone Carlyle and fell in love with the show …. thanks @iansomerhalder #LOST
RJ Pause Mjrj99 – Its interesting to think that 95% of the people on this beach are now dead. #Lost
Chase Dunnette dmaul53854#Thankstolost Close up shots of an eye opening up has become absolutely ICONIC. #Lost #1Day2Go
Jacob Stolworthy Jacob_Stol#ThankstoLost for being the greatest TV show ever; just ‘cos it’s finishing doesn’t mean it has to end
Idle Dandy idledandyThanks to Star Wars, all movies since I was 7 have been disappointments. #ThanksToLost, all future TV is similarly ruined.
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST I believe the island isn’t done with me yet.
Bad Mombot badm0mbot#thankstolost Making Brad Pitt my constant makes the restraining orders a little bit sweeter./
Isaac Elkiss AcathlaYawning#ThankstoLost for being a shining example of what you can do when you have some smart and creative people, great actors and of course Hawaii
Chad Snyder OCNC815#ThanksToLost I believe that each one of us was brought here for a reason.
Angela Meyers DharmaBUM_108#ThankstoLost my Master’s thesis is relevant!
matt hardeman capnnarcolepsy#thankstoLost for being a part of the first night holly and I ever hung out, and many other nights since then. I love you both. Heh. #LOST
Kristian Blake Sincerely_Lost#ThankstoLost it doesn’t matter who we were. It only matters who we are.
Kristian Blake Sincerely_Lost#thankstolost I know how to get a fishbiscuit.
FLIMgeeks flimgeeks#ThanksToLost this means something spectacular. RT @CarltonCuse: One day to go.
Amanda Shanks amandashanks#ThanksToLost I cannot stop watching’s Jacob/Smokey Totally Lost Counseling Session:
Nicole Aver Shephard Niickaaa@Leila_Bent Yeah, you’re a absolutly right. I mean, I knew a lots of #LOSTIES from different places. and that’s amazing. #ThankstoLOST
Steven Parrish simplysteven#thankstolost @capnnarcolepsy has been blowing up my Twitter.
Robin & Tom Dyer RobinTomLvSkins#ThankstoLost I will watch anything with Matthew Fox in the cast.
Leïla Bent Leila_Bent@Niickaaa :-) I have to say I’m nicely surprised by this entire #Lostaholic Community! Just saw u’re from Brazil : WOW : so far from Paris !
Iman Rastegari ImanRastegari#thankstolost for inspiring me to write again.
Christine lostreactions#thankstolost i have a swan station logo bumper sticker, and whenever someone tailgates me, i just assume that they’re #LOST fans
Hiroki Tojo hirokitojoi was lonely #LOST fan until last year but #lostargs people welcomed me warmly. I got friends all over the world. #thankstolost
Schyler Winchester SkyyTweet#ThanksToLost I realize that it isn’t “Thanks to Lost Day” anymore, but don’t tell me what I can’t do! I’m supposed to do this, dammit!
Lostpedia lostpediapreemptive #thankstolost for making a LOST amusement park.
Namar b4icombust#thankstolost i can read… ok not really but what hasn’t this show accomplished?
Marianne Giesecke mariannegie#ThankstoLost I now know why the questions are so much more interesting than the answers!
maram maram#ThankstoLOST I’ll take a break from the Internet to avoid spoilers , see you on monday
Alvaro E. alvaroei#ThankstoLOST Im going on an Internet hiatus. I need to get there Spoiler free and Im not takin any chances!
Susan Terral susan212#ThankstoLost every morning when I put water bottles in my bag for work I have flashbacks to Ilana-what a way to start the morning!
Ed Rokose ED209#thankstolost , When someone asks me a question, I ask them a question right back.
worldreacher worldreacher#ThanksToLost I am now waaayyyy smarter than I was 6 years ago….I can figure out ANY plot twist in a movie THANKS LOST :)
behice ece ilhan eceilhanI’m step’g away from Lostpedia,twitter & any leak-possibility 2 keep my purity 4 tmrw’s final epsd #ThankstoLost we cherish the anticipation
Matt Davidson mdogg2481#ThanksToLOST I had the urge to make gingerbreads today, that’s HUGE for a 30 year old football boy :)
Gabriel Liebenden GabrieLiebenden#thankstolost I started my own novel
Paulo Oz givn2fly#ThankstoLost for 6 great years of an amazing experience. #welovelost
lkcook lkcook#ThankstoLost I discovered Nathan Fillion and Firefly
Ellen ellenmichellen#ThankstoLost I haven’t been this affected by a fictional series coming to an end since the final Harry Potter book came out.
Schyler Winchester SkyyTweet#ThanksToLost I no longer look for a soul mate… I look for a Constant.
David Cole batchout#ThankstoLOST I spent a week on a #LOST Arts & Crafts project and loved every minute of it!
Chad Jones chadizzy1#thankstolost Shambala by Three Dog Night makes me smile everytime I hear it and think of Hurley’s van ride.
 @jami674#ThankstoLost for “We’re gonna have to take the boy.” one of the creepiest & most shocking lines ever uttered on tv.
Christine lostreactions@bigjohnscott i have been following the #thankstolost hashtag! #LOST fans are the funniest, most creative, and most dedicated people :)
Exactly.  Thanks to all of YOU for saying all of the things I wanted to say.  Thanks to LOST I have an amazing network of worldwide friends and acquaintances of all ages and professions (even LOST production!) who share a common love for the best series I have ever had the pleasure to know, and my life has been immeasurably enhanced  because of it. 

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