Monday, December 13, 2010

@Loster21's Tweets O' the Day from *sigh* May 23, 2010

A day that will be etched on my brain for perhaps years to come.  Too tired to say more at this point, other than for me, it was beautiful, amazing,  beyond all my expectations, and I am completely content.  Not everyone agrees, and I feel for them truly,  but Tweets O’ the Day is meant to be a happy place, so those tweets won’t be here.  These tweets are from most of the day and night of Finale Day, May 23, 2010.  The #ThanksToLost hashtag was still going strong. I cut it off at midnight Pacific; more tomorrow, obviously.  If you are in the US, you may not know that other countries were able to watch the finale at 5 am this morning (5/24) their time.  If you’re not in the US, you may not know that we had a two-hour summary/clip show that preceded the finale, and that during commercials, fan messages of thanks and farewell were imposed upon LOST props, and these were referred to as “Final Transmissions.”
Tweets by LOST production are in red, and if you want to see who’s who, click here.
Noreen O'Toole NoreenOTRT @paulscheer: I hear tonight on Breaking Bad, the characters just watch the 1st hour of the LOST Finale silently. 12:16 PM May 23rd
Scott Draper freescottdraper – Can’t believe that tonight the roller coaster will end, and we’ll all be asked to exit the ride. But what a ride it’s been! #ThankstoLost 12:20 PM May 23rd

Tara KillerQueenTara – It only ends once,but I’m just sad, that this great experience is coming to an end tonight.#ThankstoLost Goodbye#Lost,my constant + Namaste 12:23 PM May 23rd
Michael Underwood TurboTango – Tonight: the ending of #LOST. I feel like I should reference a literary classic in public and pretend I have daddy issues. #Ikidbecauseilove 12:27 PM May 23rd
Danielle ThroughTheVoid – How cool would it be if the #Fringe team had to investigate 815? #LOST 12:54 PM May 23rd
Julian Ponce El_Adversario#ThankstoLost nothing else matters today ;) 1:03 PM May 23rd
polsgrove polsgrove – i almost hate to eat this cookie it’s so awesome. but i will. 1:10 PM May 23rd
Rikki Burton r1kkb – getting my things ready to wake up at 5am for the finale of #lost. i am so excited…and sorry boss, i may be a bit tired tomorrow!! 1:11 PM May 23rd
Sandy ProofingSandy#ThanksToLost, I always have something to tweet! RT @Loster21 Thx 4 tweeting! You’re in: Tweets O’ the Day Spec Edition 1:17 PM May 23rd
Yes, when you’re quoted in Tweets O’ the Day, I send you a notice.
Justin Young justin013#ThanksToLost I co-hosted a podcast. I started appreciating television. I learned how to analyze narrative and character. 1:21 PM May 23rd
Damon Lindelof DamonLindelofAm I shallow if I want Lost finale to overtake #ilovelifebecause on the trending chart? (damn… I just helped them with this tweet) 1:22 PM May 23rd via web
Erin Lynn ErinsaidWHAT – Whoaaa.. #LOST is on from 7-11:30 tonight. I have never loved a show like I have this..SO sad its all ending.So much Sawyer, So little time. 1:22 PM May 23rd
Lanett Bennett Grant musicalnetta#ThankstoLost the only thing I’ll have left to watch on TV is TLC’s #Sayyestothedress 1:34 PM May 23rd
Dana Weiss Possessionista – I am getting the shakes thinking about #Lost tonight. about 24 hours ago
the Craig Wright™ Pop_Cultured#ThanksToLost I threaten 2 summon the smoke monster if the kids don’t clean up when I politely ask them 2 the first time. Thanks @UnLocke! about 24 hours ago
Chris Braun cbfromlaMy last #LOST dedication to my brother John in my credit tonight. He would have enjoyed the finale. “See you in another life brother.”

Rebecca Mader bexmader#Lost. The End. Can’t believe it. Happy Endings…;)
Paul Kane paulkane2099#thankstolost i will b spending my first night in dc in front of a hotel room tv, they better have HD too
Jeff Carter jeffc1018#ThankstoLost I’ll forever confuse Scott & Steve
Jeff Laub jmlaub – Heading to a friend’s house to watch LOST. However it turns out, this has been an amazing ride, unlikely to ever be duplicated.
JenniferRickardGrant JDareG_Momof3 – Is eating her last supper before it all starts, feeling woozy and lightheaded…
ian somerhalder iansomerhalderLost finale tonight… Wow, its over
Irene Rojas irenerojas – If Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones can’t announce at my wedding, I’ll take the #Lost narrator.
It was Titus Welliver!
Kristy Stevenson k_stevenson#LOST Awww, lovin’ the “Final Transmissions.”
Lynn Raye Harris LynnRayeHarris – My husband was on Lost when we lived in HI. No kidding. Tales from the set, w/a pic. and #Lost
Rashona Rashona#Lost was always the perfect ice breaker. “You watch Lost? What the hell is going on?” It will be missed.
John Sotomai johnsotomai#ThanksToLost I started a punk rock band called Previously On Lost.
Celia Nisbet celiabonz#thankstolost nothing else matters today. Damon and and Carlton are geniuses!
James Harris modsuperstar – Twitter has been overrun by #lost. Love it
Carlton Cuse CarltonCuseEnjoy tonight. And thanks for all your love and support for the last six years. You’ve lifted us up.
Adam Horowitz AdamHorowitzLAThank you for everything these past six seasons. none of this would be ppossible without you guys! loving you all!
Josie Kavadoy JOvsZMy phone is taking FOR-EV-ER to charge up. Doesn’t it know tonites the big nite! tikka tikka tikka
Rebecca Mader bexmaderI love #lost fans. Best in the world..
Jonathan B. Lee jonathanblee – About the head inside the Orpheum!!!
David Cole batchout – When I’ve laughed and cried so much at a recap / retrospective, #LOST is gonna be epic. My Sonic Fence is active /w 2 backup generators Whew
Jamie YaGottaBKiddnMe – Here. We. Go. Hang on tight, my #Lost friends.
Kristopher White heykristopher@ the @jayandjack live event sitting next to @jopinionated. Where you at?
Mark Goldman mjgoldmanWell west coast, I’m anxious. Deep breath…
Mark Goldman mjgoldmanClose the computer and enjoy the show.
Mark Goldman mjgoldmanI love you all.
We love you back.
TranekaMD TranekaMDLOST NOW.
TranekaMD TranekaMD at Lost finale party – its surreal this is the end…
Chris Braun cbfromla Damon and Carlton thanking everyone at the #LOST finale viewing party.
Sibel countedtofive – I almost had a heart attack! I didn’t expect Suliet reunion to be THIS great!
Kimmy klost004 – I’m Jearing my heart away!!!!! #LOST
1984 quatrevingt4 – Gotdammit to hell, I am tearing up over the Jin & Sun flashbacks. STOP IT! #LOST
Kristopher White heykristopherWest coasters: prepare to cry. #LOST
Rob Cameron pathswillcross – I lose it every time one of them “remembers.” So good so far. #LOST
Jamie YaGottaBKiddnMe – @yaysarcasm Oh I didn’t lose it completely til Vincent did that. Good dog :( I love dogs. Dogs RULE!
Phil ivan_karamazov – *tear* @CarltonCuse and @DamonLindelof just redeemed themselves for what happened on the sub. #Lost
Rebecca Mader bexmaderWatching the finale with cast and crew. Amazing.
David Eisenberg davidAKAiceWhooooaaaaaaahhhh!
Nate Nolting withremote – That was a damn good ending #LOST
LOSTBlog Jon LOST_BOSS#ThanksToLOST, I’ll still be talking about #LOST for a loooong time, thanks @DamonLindelof and @CarltonCuse and the whole #LOST crew.
SpiralAu SpiralAu#Thankstolost i love all of you right now
Samuel Prietti samprietti – GREATEST ENDING EVER! And it was quite understandable for me and completely satisfying. #LOSTfinale #TheEnd
Chad Snyder OCNC815 – The end of #LOST: its supposed to represent us. our time together with LOST was so great, we created worlds where we could all be together..
Chad Snyder OCNC815 – The more I reflect on it, the more I believe that the end of #LOST was perfect. They could not have done better.
David Gunn phaedrus4223 – for the record, I thought that was a perfect ending. #LOST
Anita White Clenney anitaclenney – @DamonLindelof Congrats on the best show on TV. You’ve inspired me as a writer and thrilled me as a watcher. Finale satisfying, beautiful.
The Blot TheBlotSays – You’ve gotta love it when an episode of #LOST leaves you thinking! Thanks again to @damonlindelof & @carltoncuse for 6 amazing years!
Just Me ALIASgirl23 – I have no idea how I am going to go to sleep after this and I do have to work tomorrow :-(
Justin Keyes justinkeyes – I love you, #Lost, @DamonLindelof, @CarltonCuse, and Michael Giacchino! #LostFinale
i_dig_L☺ST LizPrietti – They gave us ever answer we could ask for, the Hurley and Ben taken over the Island, was so great! Love it #Lost
Christian O. Caron Merchris#Lost: Watched it. Loved it. A top 5 all-time fav show that has come to a very fitting and beautiful end…
Robby Schlegel CreativeDamages#LOST you’ve been a great ride! You proved faithful in providing quality entertainment yet again. I’ll watch seasons 1-6 again sometime! #fb
Chris Harrison cdharrison – Namaste, #lost
Colin Faulkner ColinFaulkner#LOST Takeaways: Redemption, Faith, Forgiveness, Unselfishness. We can live together or die alone. Relationships matter.
Mario Blanco marioblanco – When I started watching a show about people crashing on an island, I never thought it would turn out like this. Beautiful.
Casey Ausherman caseysaysrelax – I miss #LOST already! D: It’s never gonna be over for me! I’m just gonna keep watching the series over and over again!
mck mcklowry – Just realized I’ve been wearing my polar bear hat for 6 hours. Not ready to take it off yet. #Lost
Steve Keeling ShaggySteveLOSTheading to bed. It was great talking about the #LOSTfinale with everyone. I’m sure we’ll have much discuss in the coming weeks. #LOST
Ian Mills juneninth – I’m completely speechless and choked up. That was just perfect. #LOST
Cecilia Luzzi ceci_lu#ThanksToLost I´m loosing sleeping time. So worth it though.
Marta Lobera Naru24 – OMG #Lost can´t stop crying
Thomas Skews thom54321#Lost finale gave me shivers. So, so satisfied.
Neens spewsrainbows – I can’t sleep. :) #ThanksToLost
eldifusor eldifusorHad no major problems with BSG’s ending. Have no major problems with Lost ending. Both are mystically inclined but open to interpretation.
Anna Campos annabanana07 – Cried so much throughout #lost. What an amazing end to an amazing series.
Staley kss12345My eyes hurt from crying so hard. Thank you #LOST for an amazing 6 years. We’re moving on.
Nell Scovell NellSco – “This is a place you all made so you could find one another.” Oh, you mean, like Twitter. #LOST
Vin VinayakKamatWhat an ending!! Didn’t expect it, but it somehow made sense compared to other endings I’ve been thinking about -great show #lost
dylansprague dylanspragueCan’t believe there is so much disagreement about how #lost ended… What a fitting end… The dicussion will live on!!!
Benjamin Linus Benjamin__LinusHwell, #1 just gave me my 1st assignment: Mr. Cluck’s on the Island. I’ll make it happen.
Cierra BenryMadeMeHam – The Kate/Claire/Charlie scene KILLED me. I was sobbing uncontrollably! DAMN I’M GONNA MISS THIS SHOW! #LOST
Trinity S. (Leigh) spionchenOh wow #LOST. Wow… wow… I laughed. I cried. I sobbed. I cried some more. Can’t believe it’s over. The finale came through.
tone_milazzo tone_milazzo#Lost ended with the most emotionally powerful moment I’ve ever felt in any story, TV or otherwise.
Samantha Pagan beingwatched – I absolutely loved it. That’s about all I can say for now. #fb
Jo Garfein jopinionated – still waiting to exhale. #Lost finale exceeded my expectations. what a hell of a ride. it was amazing.
Noël Kiswiney noelsabrina – annnnd exhale. oh, #lost, how I will miss thee! a most emotional and satisfying ending. #fb
David Eisenberg davidAKAiceAmen
Ben Robot benrobot – i am uncontrollable sobbing mess. bravo. #LOST
Kaitlin _Kaitie_#ThanksToLOST I probably won’t sleep tonight. #lostfinale
Rachel Ack ack_ – And I’m spent. Loved that finale. In @DamonLindelof and @CarltonCuse I trust. #lostfinale
More to come tomorrow, my friends!  Thank you, and Namaste.

[First published 5/24/10 on LOSTblog  ]

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